Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
A common theme I notice in myself and in my clients is the tendency toward harsh self-criticism. Habitual thoughts about being unworthy, unlovable, incapable, and never enough cause so much of our suffering. They stifle our true nature and can impact our work, relationships and mood. We are often unaware of these thoughts or tend to minimize their frequency or the impact they have on us, and we can become identified with them. This means that instead of being able to label these thoughts as thoughts, we feel that they are true.
People might cling to self-criticism with a sense that it will motivate them or make them better people and of course, if things aren’t going well or we have important goals, “acceptance and compassion” can feel like giving up. But neuroscience research suggests that self-criticism actually shifts the brain into a state of self-inhibition and self-punishment. This causes us to disengage from our goals, feel threatened or demoralized which can halt our ability to take action, often leading to rumination, procrastination, and further self-criticism.
Using self-criticism constructively includes focusing on specific, changeable behaviors rather than internal, unchangeable attributes. Practicing self-compassionate criticism sounds like “Yes, I made a mistake, but I’m not a horrible person.” It’s not a “weak” approach, it’s good brain health and far more motivating in the long run.
Resources for Increasing Mindful Self-Compassion
Mindful Self-Compassion practice, as outlined by Kristen Neff, Ph.D. and Christopher K. Germer, Ph.D., is great medicine for most of our modern ills — it balances our fears, insecurities, and isolation with positive emotions that allow us to feel calmer, more connected, and confidant. Self-compassion activates our brain’s caregiving and self-awareness system, which can make thoughts of being capable, worthy, accepted, and confident easier to access and believe.
Another resource is UC Berkeley’s Greater Good in Action website which is full of research-based practices that can increase self-compassion, as well as gratitude, purpose, resilience, connection, and kindness. These are skills that can be taught and practiced and the research shows these can lead to increased happiness.
The infographic below illustrates a few first steps in making the mental shift from harsh self-criticism to constructive and motivating self-talk.
Use Mind-Body Awareness to Recognize and Soften Self-Critical Thoughts
Start right now by noticing sounds in the room, the temperature, the colors and light. Notice the texture of your cloths or a surface.
Notice your breathing – without judging it, just allowing it to be how it is. If you can, see if you can deepen your breath.
Notice the seat beneath you or your feet on the ground. Settle in as you become aware of the support that is there for you.
Is there a self-critical thought you can recognize, one that has been hounding you all day. For example, “I should have had this article done by now. I’m undisciplined.”
Just allow yourself to be with the thought, don’t try to talk your way out of it or change it just yet.
Notice how this thought makes you feel. Investigate it by noticing your feelings and tension in the body. Our body responds to these thoughts, often by constricting which mimics a fear or stress response like fight, flight or freeze. None of these help us perform optimally.
Approach these thoughts, feelings and body sensations with an attitude of curiosity, openness and non-judgment. Sit in mindful awareness for a minute and see what shifts, softens or changes by doing so.
Apply self-compassion. Is there another thought that I can also think about this situation? For example, “I didn’t sleep well last night, I’m doing pretty good considering how tired I am.”
Notice any further changes in thoughts, feelings and tension in the body as you shift your narrative about the situation.
Find an alternative strategy. For example, “I will take a 20 minute power nap, then get back to this rather than power through.” or “I will go to bed earlier tonight.”
If you are stuck on the step of still feeling the self-critical thought is true, use an inquiry process with the thought. Is it really true? Could you prove it to Judge Judy or a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt? If you really need help here, call a trusted friend, one you know will remind you how truly wonderful you are!